Time management as essential while studying and working Published: 3.2.2022 Estimate reading: 3 minutesArticles » Time management as essential while studying and workingA lot of students work part-time while studying. A working student should keep in mind their annual income limit, if they wish to receive the student grant. Student grants may not be the solution for everyone. How does the student secure their finances in that case? Johanes Timothy is a student and a part time light entrepreneur. He works as a courier and through light entrepreneurship he is able to secure his future work plans. “I wish that I am able to make music for my work in the future”, he says and continues: “I believe light entrepreneurship is a good lead to having that opportunity later.”Johanes studies music in The University of Arts. He came to Finland from Indonesia to study in 2020 and soon after that he began light entrepreneurship. “I was looking for ways to employ myself and heard about this from my friend”, Johanes says.Challenges of student’s employmentAccording to Johanes, his studies and light entrepreneurship go well together. Coordination of work and study can be difficult, especially if you work as a traditional employer. “For now I want to primarily focus on my studies during the weekdays, so light entrepreneurship happened to perfectly suit my situation”, tells Johanes. Competition for jobs can also be tough, especially when it comes to summer jobs that are popular with students. The study grants may not be enough to save for later. Part time light entrepreneurs are able to earn with their own conditions.Receiving a study grant is affected with the annual income. Students must take care of their income limits, if they wish to receive study grants. While working as an employee, you might not be able to control the working hours and you might work for too long of a time. Then there is also a bigger chance for a student to return the excess study grant.Students outside the EU generally do not receive student grants and they must pay tuition fees. “I got some support from the University in the form of tuition fee reduction. I am thankful for this support that allows me to study and receive such a high quality of education in Finland.”Being the boss of your own workThe work of a courier is suitable for many. Johanes mentions that you should at least know how to use the technology and how to read a map. “As long as you find your way”, he says with a laugh. Light entrepreneurship has also taught him independence: “I have learnt to be my own boss. Also I have learnt how to manage my time better. Because I don’t have someone to tell me exactly when to work. You need to manage your own time.”Time management skills are essential to the self-employed. On the other hand, self-employed people are able to choose their working schedule. “When there is more demand, I can work more”, Johanes says and continues: “I can work during the weekends, when I have more time and when there are more deliveries.” There should always be time for recovery also. While working as a light entrepreneur, the work is done according to their own schedule, but also they are able to graduate – according to the schedule.Share: