Household deductions: Which jobs qualify for the household deduction?

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Household deductions: Which jobs qualify for the household deduction?
Articles  »  Household deductions: Which jobs qualify for the household deduction?

Domestic work brings relief to everyday work, meanwhile at the same time, the taxation of the light entrepreneur is reduced. Did you already know which jobs of other light entrepreneurs qualify for the household deduction?

Household deduction for a light entrepreneur

Work that qualifies for the household deduction for a light entrepreneur is normal work done at home or a vacation property. The household deduction for a light entrepreneur includes normal work, such as maintenance work, renovations, as well as other housekeeping, and nursing work. The household deduction for a light entrepreneur does not include, for example nursing and care work performed by health care services without VAT.

The household allowance for a light entrepreneur includes work that can be reduced by a maximum of 2,250 EUR per person annually, of which the own-liability amount is 100 EUR per person annually. If the work is from a company and the amount paid to the company is 5,875 EUR, a light entrepreneur will receive the maximum household deduction. The household deduction for a light entrepreneur consists only of the work done. When the work is outsourced from a company, the cost of the work may be deducted by 40%, and if a person has been hired to do the work, the salary can be deducted by 15%, as well as the incidental costs of the work related to the salary.

The household deduction for a light entrepreneur includes, for example, the usual jobs below:

  • Cleaning
  • Childcare
  • Property grounds management
  • Home renovations
  • Computer installation Whatsapp