4 084 332 steps – FREE.fi donates 15 000 euros to Cancer Foundation Finland

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4 084 332 steps – FREE.fi donates 15 000 euros to Cancer Foundation Finland
Articles  »  4 084 332 steps – FREE.fi donates 15 000 euros to Cancer Foundation Finland

What happens when 26 staff members from four different departments walk for charity for 25 days? The result is 4 084 332 steps, 3113 kilometers, good spirit, hard work – and a donation to charity worth 15 775 euros!

The internal Christmas challenge of FREE.fi generated over 15 000 euros to charity. “FREE.fi has succeeded because of hard work, the useful service provided to users and with a little bit of luck. Christmas is the right time to stop for a moment, be grateful and share the received goods”, the CEO of FREE.fi, Joonas Tuompo explains the reasons for the internal Christmas challenge.

FREE.fi asked for help from their followers on social media to choose the charity. “First the staff gave ideas of charities and voted on the top 3 of them. Then the users of FREE.fi had the chance to choose the final charity on social media. Cancer Foundation Finland won, which I am very happy about. It is a disease that unfortunately many people encounter one way or another during their life. We are more than happy to support cancer research”, says Tuompo. In earlier years FREE.fi has supported the young and the people with low finances.

The CEO of FREE.fi shares some of the statistics of the walking challenge. On average, the staff members of FREE.fi walked 5782 steps a day. The staff member who collected the most steps walked 345 kilometers during the challenge. The Sales team was the most active and on average they walked 9178 steps per day. “Just so that if someone wants to take on the challenge”, Tuompo laughs.

The company’s generosity did not stop there. The staff was also rewarded with gifts. “Everyone was given a one-week salary for a bonus”, Tuompo says and grounds it with the staff’s input towards the company.

Support the cancer research

Cancer Foundation Finland accepts the donation gratefully. “Donations are a big statement of trust towards The Cancer Foundation and the research we support in Finland. Because of the donations, the researchers get to continue their work for all of us”, says the Director of Funding of Cancer Foundation Finland Sari Meller.

The donation of FREE.fi will be collected together with other donations once a year when they will be awarded as grants to cancer researchers.

Scholarships are awarded for one to three years at a time. The researchers or groups that have been given the grant will share what has been done with the donated amount. In most cases, support goes to basic research and, for example, tools or salaries.

“We are very grateful for the donation and that FREE.fi is involved with the work”, says Meller. She also praises the way FREE.fi collected the donation. “It is a great idea! Exercising and charity combined is a great way to also combine the staff. Our warmest congratulations to the staff for an amazing result!”

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